About This Website

I'm electric-fire, the creator of this website.

I play guitar and sometimes synth, and I just wanted to simplify my life when getting ideas for improvisation or guitar solos based on different musical scales.

So I began creating this resource with an idea in mind to upload all the basic and big number of exotic scales, each in every key, with a very simple structure and navigation in order to avoid multiple annoying clicks when searching for a particular scale. The site is now complete and available for everybody, enjoy.

By the way I published a couple of pages devoted to easy to play finger-style themes for guitar beginners:

If you would like to report a mistake or contact me for any other reason, you can do it using this page that is located on my other website devoted to electric guitar playing for very beginners.

any C Says
February 9th, 2022 at 12.00 AM

I am hoping you will agree that adding the recitations of the scales would be a good idea. Please see my comment on the A Major Scale page.

Congratulations and thanks for building a great site.

electric-fire Says
February 12th, 2022 at 12.38 PM

Thank you for your feedback 'any C', I haven't thought of recitation before. It might be a good idea to have it.

I have corrected the recitation you've provided.

Glen Says
August 9th, 2023 at 8.41 AM

Learning piano; I refer to your website daily. It’s one of my most valuable tools. The scale organization here is pure genius!