Classical Beginner Guitar Sheet Music with Staff and Tab Notation
As I'm rememering myself when I was a beginner player, I always wanted to play easy complete piece of music, something that requers just a little skills I had. But all the sheet music I found was or very complicated or too primitive, just simple melody without a bass line or any hooks.
Eventually, little by little I found a few classical tunes that really easy to play if you at least can play arpeggios. And I decided to create this Beginner Guitar Sheet Music page to put them in one single place.
Let all strings ring during the whole song.


Spanish Waltz

Although this tune is straightworward, totally played with triplet notes along with simple bass line, there are a few challenges to overcome:
- The playing requires some fretting hand stratching,
- In the 3rd and 12th bar you'll need to use barre technique to press the strings simultaneously at the 2nd fret with the index finger.

If you liked these tunes you might add this page to your bookmarks for some time to eliminate the hassle searching it on the net once again.
Open 'Waves of Spain' a more advanced theme
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This is really nice. Thank you.
I'm using it a lot to practice.
Nice exercise, good practice & sounds very pleasant
Thank you!
Really good! Like the pieces!
Thank you, this music is a new time favorite.
Thank you, this music is a new time favorite.
It forced me to say it twice wth