Guitar Licks - Page 3

Rock Guitar Lick 21

Rock Guitar Lick 22 - Unison Bending

The growling sound in the beginning of the lick is achieved by slowly playing the unison bend, while the bending string is gradually shifting its pitch I pick it several times, until the bend and the static note have the same pitch.
Rock Guitar Lick 23

To make it sound right the main passage must be played swiftly. Pay attention at the picking directions indicated at the first row on the tab. Because the legato notes are introduced, the straight alternate picking isn't most appropriate here:
the first note in the four-note group is played with the downstroke, the second by the hammer on (you miss the pick stroke here), the third again by the downstroke and the fourth by the upstroke.
Neo-Classic Rock Tapping Lick
This lick is fully played with the tapping, hammer on and pull off technique, without using the guitar plectrum, so it's not gonna be a problem for beginners to reach speedy playing.

Cross Tapping Guitar Lick
In order to play in the cross tapping position, place your fretting hand about the 12th fret (in a usual way), and hover the picking hand over about the 7th fret, as shown in this picture: